Veronica serpyllifolia ssp serpyllifolia   Thyme-leaved Speedwell C DD N

Veronica serpyllifolia ssp seryllifolia Veronica serpyllifolia ssp seryllifolia

This is one of our many garden weeds which I encourage by mowing the grass and never feeding it. There are at least 50 species of wild flower growing somewhere in the garden which have arrived without being introduced with "Wildflower seed mix". Some like this one are very welcome and some unfortunately are pernicious weeds which I can't get rid of. This is a small and insignificant speedwell and one you could easily overlook in the grass. The flowers are sometimes only a few millimetres across and hard to see and tricky to photograph.

Veronica serpyllifolia ssp serpyllifolia has a strange distribution pattern in that it is very common in some parts of England and absent in others. It is common in Scotland and in Ireland it likes the south and the north but not the centre. It is common on the outer Hebrides and Shetland.

Garden Weed Cheshire 12th April 2005

Added on 12th April 2005, updated 23rd April 2006, updated 21st February 2012

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