Rosa spinosissima   Burnet Rose CC DD N

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This plant isn't too difficult to separate from the rest of the promiscuous Rosa genus. It is a smallish shrub usually no more than 50cm high and it grows typically in sandy areas near the sea. Flowers can be found on Rosa spinosissima well after summer is over and even in early winter. As the name (spinosissima = very spiny) suggests the stems are covered in dense prickles.

Rosa spinosissima is most often found around coastal areas of the British Isles and in these habitats can be found almost everywhere in England, Scotland Ireland and Wales. It is also found inland particularly in England.

Rosa spinosissima

Rosa spinosissima Burnet Rose

Ardersier Near Inverness Airport, 9th June 2006

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Rosa spinosissima Burnet Rose

Ardersier Near Inverness Airport, 9th June 2006

Added on September 29th 2004, amended 3rd February 2005, updated 8th Feb 05, updated 20th January 2012

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