Ranunculus kuepferi   Kuepfer's Buttercup

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Ranunculus kuepferi has grass-like leaves and white flowers making it a very distinctive species. It flowers in the Alps where the snow melts from 5,000 to 9,000 feet. Ranunculus kuepferi is actually a complex group of plants (all looking very similar) some of which are endemic to the Alps and others, which are also apomictic (they clone themselves without sexual reproduction), are widespead in other European mountain ranges.


Ranunculus kuepferi

Ranunculus kuepferi Kuepfer's Buttercup

Bernina Alps above Pontresina 5th July 2010

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Ranunculus kuepferi Kuepfer's Buttercup

Bernina Alps above Pontresina 5th July 2010

Added on 27th January 2012, updated 28th March 2024