Leontodon hispidus   Rough Hawkbit C DD N

Leontodon hispidus Leontodon hispidus

This is one of that group of difficult yellow composites which is made a little easier to identify by being roughly hairy, usually on single stems from a basal rosette and growing in well drained calcareous grassland. The flower is a slightly deeper golden yellow than many other yellow composites and the underside of the outer florets sometimes has a reddish tinge.

This plant has a very interesting distribution in that it is common throughout England and Wales and in the Southern Uplands of Scotland but from the Scottish industrial belt northwards it is very scarce indeed. It is scattered in Ireland.

Leontodon hispidus

Leontodon hispidus Rough Hawkbit

Bishop Middleham quarry, Durham 3rd July 2005

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Leontodon hispidus

Bishop Middleham quarry, Durham 3rd July 2005

Added on November 5th 2005, updated June 26th 2010

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