Anthyllis cytisoides   No English name

Anthyllis cystoides whole Anthyllis cystoides

Growing out of a hillside by the access road, clumps of this plant were each about 1 m tall and waving in the wind. Together with the various Cistus sp flowers they provided a delightful backdrop to the famous view of El Camino del Rey a path, now in disrepair, built for King Alfonso XIII of Spain for the 1921 opening of the El Chorro dam.

The flowers themselves do look a bit like the pea flowers of Anthyllis (vulneraria) in the UK with many hairs around the inflorescence.

El Chorro Gorge, Andalucia, Spain 27th March 2008

Added on 4th November 2007, updated 13th July 2008, updated 27th Feb 2010, updated 29th January 2021

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