Anthriscus sylvestris Cow Parsley CCC D N
Cow Parsley is one of the commonest of the tall herbs of our Cheshire Lanes. The flower is quite unremarkable but the effect of a lane in full flower is one the sights of the Springtime. The photo of the lane in flower gives a little of the impression that hundreds of Anthriscus sylvestris in bloom give, but the fragrance and the hum of the insects in the warm May sunshine are missing and something to look forward to in the gloom of December. Although this seems to me a beautiful Springtime flower, in olden times Anthriscus sylvestris was a plant associated with evil hence the old name in Cheshire: Devil's Parsley.
This plant pushes up it bright green shoots in Spring mostly but a fair few plants are trying all winter and in the mild weather you would expect to see some in full flower even in December.